Friday, September 26, 2008


可愛的成績終于在前天熱騰騰地出爐了. 經過各位老師的細心烹飪下, 成績還是一團糟(成績很爛啦). 我的全班名次是28而全級名次則是29. 雖然在家媽媽說我有進步...雖然爸爸給了我兩百馬幣...雖然爺爺帶我去吃PIZZA, 我還是很不滿意. 全級29并不是我的目標..并不是我心目中最理想的成績. 我的目標是25啦. 很...很...不爽啦, 好想粹死自己, 因為29離25只相差就那么4分而已. 我真的羨慕有一部份的同學:

1) JEREMY-- 男生最利害的大妖怪.他竟然拿了全級第4.
2) 舫頤----- 一個和我同年同月同日出生的妖怪. 不管什么方面都十分出色. 使本少爺佩服.
3) 蕙霓----- 記得上次34名的她, 這次竟然拿14名. 哇!! 恐怖.






Tuesday, September 23, 2008


最近,我想改革我的個人部落格(跟恒毅學長團一樣). 因為有時我覺得用英文來說出我的心聲是有點麻煩所以我想用華語試試看. 請大家多多資支持. 另一方面, 我也想那些華語"很棒"的學生們多多指教. 現在我爺爺也在pali我了(爺爺:為什么寫字那么慢, 我還以為你的華語很利害, 真是大掉眼鏡啊) 呵呵... 大家猜猜看我用了多久來寫這篇東西? 沒錯就是兩小時! 恐怖吧! 但是我相信以我這種頭腦應該是沒問題的. 好了, 手都酸了.拜拜......

Monday, September 15, 2008

Moon Cake Festival

Last Sunday was Moon Cake Festival but most of people celebrate it at Saturday. As our scouts also celebrate the festival called "lantern Festival". There are many competitions held such as First aid, Orientasi and lantern. i and Jeremy took part in Lantern festival. because this time is our first time have the chance to do lantern so we "mong cha cha" do a recycled lantern with many waste materials. Hahaha...

Morning 8am, i and my frens arrived Wisma Pengakap. We sembang till 10am because we dunno that it starts at 10am. After the chairman gave some speech the competitions starts!!!!

First was First Aid Competitions. The leg of the injured people really like real. unfortunately he dun wan me to take picture. haiz... wat a waste!! 12pm we ate lunch(YUCKS). later was the Orientasi competitions( something like station games). When they cum back all of them tired. Later me, jeremy, leng jin and zi sheng given 3hours to make our lantern. me, jeremy 1 team. zi sheng and leng jin 1 team. First experience doing lantern really.. haiz..

At night all of us were given a small lantern and we walk around. Mempersiasuikan lo.. but quite fun..hahha. Forget to tell we also sing the song "yue liang Yuan" during the walk.

8.30pm result come out. First aid we get 1st, and lantern the group me and jeremy won second prize. Festival finished at 9.30pm...